Lotus Notes: The healing process

May 6, 2014 • Funny ux • Views: 15582

Good morning everyone
It is Tuesday and most of us are back to work after a glorious bank holiday weekend. Now the time has come to face the so-called “real world”. Some of the first tasks of my morning were to prepare a cup of coffee and start sifting though emails and various other morning to-dos. I was also faced with my usual daily nemesis: Lotus Notes. The application which is IBM’s precursor to Microsoft Outlook, still exists in millions of people’s lives creating an illogical obstacle course in email correspondence.

However this morning was different, as I was presented with somewhat of a solution to dealing with these daily frustrations. Here is a website dedicated to helping people around the world cope with the experience of Lotus Notes, through sharing thoughts. Let the healing process begin! I hope to one day be Lotus Notes free

Lotus Notes, The Healing Process

The first post you see on the website is quite possibly my favorite:

Dear Lotus Notes,


Please learn how to PASTE without destroying my emails. Writing an email should be QUICK. Not take 35min of re-writes and formatting sanitation because you have an epileptic fit if something modestly out of your comfort zone (like a table!!) is pasted in.


In other words. Die already, nobody likes you.


And if any potential future employer of mine uses Lotus Notes, I may decline the job purely on those grounds. They say “people leave managers, they don’t leave jobs”. I postulate “people leave companies that use Lotus Notes”.

And a couple more:  

Nettles, I hope that you are still Lotus Notes free.


Mert Aktalay, I have to say: I do feel I have found the same.

One Response to Lotus Notes: The healing process

  1. Red says:

    Yeah, that’s the tikcte, sir or ma’am

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