Funny ux

  • March 15, 2015 • Funny ux • Views: 5885

    Sh!t Interaction Designers Say

    Here is a hilarious little video about the jargon UX designers use, made by a group of designers (I’m assuming). Yes, designers are all guilty of using this lingo. Funnily enough I’d say the test of a true UX designer would be...

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  • December 22, 2014 • Funny ux • Views: 8362

    Ryanair: A User Experience

    The first time I flew RyanAir, I vowed never to fly it again. Alas, with their unbeatable prices and remote “Stockholm” airport located so close to my parents farm, I fell prey to their trap and now use the airline regularly. For years...

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  • September 18, 2014 • Analytics, Funny ux • Views: 9312

    [Infographic]: Chart Types and Personalities

    While researching various chart types to use in my analytics work, I came across a rather humorous article on that tickled me. Written by Daniel Waisberg and designed by Daniel Bronfen, the info-graphic below...

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  • July 21, 2014 • Design, Experience Design, Funny ux • Views: 10656

    Uncomfortable Design: Designing for evil

    How might designers use their powers for evil, rather than good? We all know that the purpose of User Experience design is to provide the best possible experience to a user. Designers conduct ethnographic research in a given context in...

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  • July 2, 2014 • Funny ux • Views: 5951

    UX: Creating new passwords

    If my earlier post on how to design shopping carts didn’t highlight the issue, here is a post dedicated purely to the nuisance that is The Complex Password. We have all been there…we have all at least once wanted to smash our...

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  • May 22, 2014 • Funny ux • Views: 4107

    How to Design a Shopping Cart

    This website comic by The Oatmeal describes the most fantastically accurate ways of how to consider User Experience when designing a retail check out webpage. Although it is hilariously satirical, I personally can not disagree with any of...

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  • May 6, 2014 • Funny ux • Views: 15179

    Lotus Notes: The healing process

    Good morning everyone It is Tuesday and most of us are back to work after a glorious bank holiday weekend. Now the time has come to face the so-called “real world”. Some of the first tasks of my morning were to prepare a cup of...

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  • April 30, 2014 • Funny ux • Views: 3188

    Dr Seuss on iPad Usability

      I absolutely love this. Thanks to Frank Spillers for coming up with!  Dr Seuss on iPad Usability ...

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