We, a team of 4 designers, worked with Partners in Housing Development Corporation (PIHDC), a non profit organization that aims to eliminate homelessness in Indianapolis. They provide temporary affordable housing and social services to the low- income and special needs population of Indianapolis.
We found the best route to go was to generate a campaign to raise awareness of homelessness and how PIHDC can help eliminate issue, ultimately generating more long term donors.
We started by settign out to define the environment in which PIHDC exists, and how people view them. We conducted interviews with donors, potential donors, and general Indianapolis demographic and documented what drives people to donate to PIHDC or other organizations.
We found that people have a lack of understanding of what PIHDC actually provides. After brainstorming ideas on how to appeal to new donors through rethinking the user experience with the brand, we detailed out business strategy for generating more long term donors.
We came up with a campaign composed of three key elements:
– challenging perceptions through use of cardboard
– bold voice
– sophisticated juxtaposition (between weathered cardboard and text, and people involved)
The campaign included a viral piece consisting of a facebook page, a myspace page, an email blast and a proposed redesign of the website was detailed. Along with the viral we proposed ideas for a public installation as well as a mail out.