December 10, 2014 •
UX Methodology •
Views: 8145
I’ve recently noticed a lot of different articles being written about what a UX designer is, and in honor of improving peoples experiences, I thought I’d throw in my two cents as well. Let’s start broad: What is User Experience...
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December 2, 2014 •
Business Strategy, UX Methodology •
Views: 6069
Imagine walking into a company and being given a project with a large budget to do everything in order to deliver the perfect product: proper user research, analysis, competitive landscaping, iterative wireframing, lavish usability...
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November 25, 2014 •
Analytics, Data & Visualization •
Views: 4799
Data visualisation: One of my favorite buzz words in the industry. As a former visual designer and current information architect, I feel magnetically drawn to the art of data visualisation. To quote one of the visualisation masters of our...
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November 25, 2014 •
Analytics, Data & Visualization •
Views: 4483
The key role that UX has in working with Analytics is adding the element of the “User”. A User Experience designers’ job is to understand what the needs are of the user and the business, as well as take into account the context in...
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November 25, 2014 •
UX Methodology •
Views: 6668
Two years ago, my colleague started to compile a list of UX Terminology for everyone to read. I really like this idea of having one common repository for UX Lingo in order to help others within the organization understand what we are...
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November 25, 2014 •
UX Methodology •
Views: 5072
Let’s say you know this set of facts about me: I am a college-educated female between the ages of 20-30. I work in the financial sector and commute to work with the public transport system....
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November 17, 2014 •
UX Methodology •
Views: 4688
Recently I participated in a panel discussion at AppsWorld, covering the topic of designing for an evolving customer base within a multi-platform environment. The panel consisted of myself, James Lucas (Senior Product Manager at...
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October 31, 2014 •
Design •
Views: 5441
The DrudgeReport.com. It ain’t a pretty sight (pun intended). The Drudge Report is an American news aggregation website. Run by Matt Drudge with the help of Joseph Curl and Charles Hurt, the site consists mainly of links to stories...
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October 15, 2014 •
Experience Design, Service Design •
Views: 7563
The customer is always right. If we translate that sentence into UX jargon, it would be: The user is always right.(Yes OK granted, the user of a website/app may not always be right… But if you have worked in the restaurant industry,...
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October 1, 2014 •
Analytics, Business Strategy, Data & Visualization •
Views: 6565
I recently took a course on Analytics by the Nielsen Norman Group, which was a very insightful session for me as a UX designer. So I wrote a little excerpt about the key points I learned in that course. I know what you’re thinking… not...
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