October 15, 2014 •
Experience Design, Service Design •
Views: 7189
The customer is always right. If we translate that sentence into UX jargon, it would be: The user is always right.(Yes OK granted, the user of a website/app may not always be right… But if you have worked in the restaurant industry,...
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July 21, 2014 •
Design, Experience Design, Funny ux •
Views: 10795
How might designers use their powers for evil, rather than good? We all know that the purpose of User Experience design is to provide the best possible experience to a user. Designers conduct ethnographic research in a given context in...
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July 14, 2014 •
Business Strategy, Experience Design, Marketing •
Views: 4992
Here is a great little video in which Clayton Christense describes real world examples of how proper user research can lead to actionable insight on consumer behavior. Consider the following scenario: A Milkshake Business wants to improve...
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July 3, 2014 •
Experience Design, Service Design •
Views: 4903
What is service design? The Service Design Network defines the term as such: Service design is all about making the service you deliver useful, usable, efficient, effective and desirable Service design is a growing discipline, and has...
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May 22, 2014 •
Experience Design •
Views: 5264
We spend a significant amount of our time online. On our phones, on our computers, on our ipads… maybe even on our future apple iWatch. Which means, our poor little eyeballs are staring at and interacting with screens for a large...
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May 2, 2014 •
Experience Design, UX Methodology •
Views: 4972
I recently read the paper Design in the Age of Biology, by Hugh Dubberly. I created a diagram of the main themes running throughout the paper: What is Old(Left) is moving towards New (Right):...
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April 22, 2014 •
Design, Experience Design •
Views: 3668
As a designer, I often feel the pressure of learning programming. It seems to me that the ultimate super-designer also possesses the power of coding, and would be able to design and develop a product from start to finish. In the...
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December 29, 2012 •
Experience Design •
Views: 3467
I recently came across a site that outlined 5 signs of what great user experience (UX) would be. In a nutshell, here are the pearls of wisdom: An elegant UI Being Addictive A Fast Start being Seamless, and It Changes You 5 Sign of Great...
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