June 4, 2015 •
Digital, Service Design •
Views: 5929
Which came first: Technology or UX/UI? I was having a conversation about UI/UX recently with a friend who has made this very much her professional career, which got me thinking about a question: Which came first: Technology or UX/UI? At...
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March 18, 2015 •
Inspiration, Service Design •
Views: 8821
When I lived in Indiana, I fell prey to the automotive lifestyle. Maybe it was the lack of sidewalks in the mid west, maybe it was my laziness, but I drove my car everywhere I needed to go. With my derriere regularly planted behind the...
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October 15, 2014 •
Experience Design, Service Design •
Views: 7188
The customer is always right. If we translate that sentence into UX jargon, it would be: The user is always right.(Yes OK granted, the user of a website/app may not always be right… But if you have worked in the restaurant industry,...
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July 3, 2014 •
Experience Design, Service Design •
Views: 4903
What is service design? The Service Design Network defines the term as such: Service design is all about making the service you deliver useful, usable, efficient, effective and desirable Service design is a growing discipline, and has...
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