
  • June 4, 2015 • Digital, Service Design • Views: 5846

    The Digital Sixth Sense

    Which came first: Technology or UX/UI? I was having a conversation about UI/UX recently with a friend who has made this very much her professional career, which got me thinking about a question: Which came first: Technology or UX/UI? At...

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  • March 13, 2015 • Design, Digital, Marketing • Views: 7211

    Generation Z and the Digital world

    Allow me to introduce to you the new generation: Gen Z.   This is generation that was born with an ipad in its hands. They have never known a world without the internet, cellphones or selfies, and are the most diverse and...

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  • July 28, 2014 • Art, Digital, Inspiration • Views: 5219

    The Digital Revolution

      The other day I went to see the Digital Revolution exhibition at the Barbican here in London. The exhibition is centered around the rise of digital creativity across the arts… which as you can imagine appealed to my geeky...

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