UX: Creating new passwords

July 2, 2014 • Funny ux • Views: 6251

If my earlier post on how to design shopping carts didn’t highlight the issue, here is a post dedicated purely to the nuisance that is The Complex Password.

We have all been there…we have all at least once wanted to smash our keyboards against the proverbial internet vortex. First of all being forced to create and account and then come up with a plausible password just seems like a huge user experience faux-pas in itself.

I found this little image floating around funny ux blogs, which I felt was worth sharing. Thank you UsabilityGal

2 Responses to UX: Creating new passwords

  1. […] is as they are typing it, and then let them “enter at their own risk”. Also, please see this hilarious comic on […]

  2. Charles Mo says:

    This is brilliantly funny and so true. Passwords are so out of date these days, well they should be.

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